Friday, 7 September 2012

Sweating or better put, perspiration, is good for you and helps you discharge impurities from your body. Perspiration actually cleanses your system. Acknowledgement of this fact gave rose to special saunas – both wet and dry, bath houses, sweat lodges and steam rooms throughout the world.
Let’s delve a little into perspiration and grasp how our body’s self-cooling process works. One fact that we know is that when you perspire, your body goes through a series of natural processes. These help to discharge toxins, dead cells and other impurities from the body as well as increase your metabolism rate. We know that perspiration contains water but what else besides water does it contains? Tests have revealed that perspiration also contains ammonia, sugar, salt, urea, lactic acid and other minerals.
As our bodily fluids move to the surface blood also moves along. This is why some people appear reddish or blush when they perspire. Blood is cooled when it’s close to the surface and when it recirculates it helps to cool the body. Functionally, perspiration is a natural phenomenon of normalizing our body temperature. 
But what else happens when you perspire?When you perspire, you breathe faster and your heart beats faster as well. Your circulation improves and your metabolism accelerates too. When your circulation improves, impurities and toxins are expelled from your body trough sweat pores. Consequently, your body self-rejuvenates. That’s why we feel refreshed after a good perspiration and (of course) a good shower.
Well, let’s look at obvious ways to attain “commendable” sweating. You have the option to sit in a sauna or steam room to get your skin agitated and your sweat pores open; and you perspire. This is called induced perspiration without physical activity. Many people do this to enjoying the benefits of sweating. Sweat can also be caused by other factors such as anxiety, stress, fear and medication. High environmental temperature and humidity also trigger the perspiration process. The alternative “sweat inducer” would be induced perspiration with physical activity. Of this, you can enjoy your morning walk, go for a jog, swim in a pool, work out in a gym or just work out at home.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Kettler is proud to present the distinguished quality AXOS Line of fitness equipment.

Great value for money, AXOS Line features exercise bicycles, crosstrainers and treadmills. Whether you do cardiovascular exercise, burn calories, strengthen muscles and joints or simply just enjoy a good “sweat”, Kettler AXOS Line will make your exercise fun and effectual.

The underlying foundation and technological mastery of every piece of Kettler fitness equipment is astute calibration. It’s about maintaining optimal standards. Precision and discernment encapsulates 5 vital elements which are namely performance, function, design, aesthetics and quality.  Kettler’s production process is backed by decades of profound expertise and AXOS Line home use equipment would be great for you. Join millions of satisfied Kettler products owners.

AXOS Exercise Bicycles are wonderful for working lower body muscles and joints from the foot, calf, thighs, hips and buttocks while in the comforts of your living room. It has 8 levels of strain /resistance and comes equipped with a magnetic braking system. The training computer is state-of-the-art.

AXOS Crosstrainers offer full body workouts and are ideal for working lower and upper body. Construction is solid with a 12kg flywheel and an additional holding. Strain/resistance is dependent on rpm. These have magnetic braking systems and feature pendulum bearings at the disk-joints. The training computer has fantastic function options as found in the best crosstrainers.

AXOS Treadmills offer indoor walking, jogging or running plus adjustable inclines. Speed options are 1-16kph with 4 speed and incline selections; and equipped with a belt-stop safety key. The training computer boasts LCD displays offering 6 functions with pulse rate measurement via hand sensors; while the keypads are sweat-resistant. Maximum load is 120kg.

All these equipment are well crafted to have low impact on your joints. Enjoy good workouts with Kettler AXOS and lead a healthy life.